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White Widow

Brand: Extreme Seeds
White Widow
THC: 17%
Type: Sativa
Flowering: 56–63 days
Yield: 350–450 g/m²
Genetics: Kerala x Brazil
Harvest: early october
Plant height: up to 100 cm
Effect: relaxing
Seeds per pack:

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Семян в упаковке:

White Widow, a feminized strain, offers the perfect combination of unique characteristics, making it the ideal choice for connoisseurs of quality cannabis.

The THC content of White Widow reaches a level of 17%, which guarantees a stable and moderate effect, allowing you to enjoy an optimal balance between psychoactivity and relaxation. This strain has Kerala x Brazil genetics, which gives it unique qualities and a distinctive flavor.

White Widow's growing period takes 56-63 days, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate a relatively short flowering cycle. Harvesting begins in early October and the grower can expect a generous yield of between 350-450 g/m². This efficiency, combined with a low plant height of up to 100cm, makes White Widow ideal for limited spaces.

White Widow is not just a variety, it is a true work of art among cannabis that embodies the best features of sativa, enriched with a subtle flavor and excellent effect.

დავით (12/08/2024)
ვიყიდე White Widow-ის თესლი და ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ! გაღივება შესანიშნავია, მცენარეები ძლიერი და ჯანსაღი. მოსავალმა ყოველგვარ მოლოდინს გადააჭარბა!


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