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Cannabis seeds News How to choose soil for cannabis?

How to choose soil for cannabis?

How to choose soil for cannabis?

Despite its excellent survival rate and immense resistance to all sorts of negative factors, the soil for cannabis is of key importance. Indeed, the plant survives and reproduces in extremely harsh conditions, but growing cannabis seeds and helping the plant live its full life cycle is not the grower's goal. Growers are interested in getting quality yields of aromatic and resinous buds, and high THC content. In order to achieve high quality staph, you need to choose the right soil for your cannabis and provide the right growing conditions.

Many growers prefer soil, while many are interested in hydroponic growing. Different methods of growing have their own advantages, disadvantages, and peculiarities. Hydroponics, substrate, nutrient solution and other subtleties of soil-less cultivation is a separate and extensive topic, here we discuss cultivation in the ground specifically.

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Quality soil for growing cannabis

Intuitively, any soil seems to suit the resilient and strong plant. But soil dug up from the nearest planting, park or vegetable garden is not a good choice for cannabis cultivation. Preparing the soil for cannabis cultivation is essential if you want to grow healthy, potent and productive plants. There is an option to buy ready-made soil with the necessary parameters.

After germination, cannabis seeds soon become sprouts that need certain chemical and physical properties of the soil for proper and balanced development. An experienced grower can prepare quality soil for the plants themselves, but without confidence in their knowledge, it is worth using ready-made solutions suitable for cannabis.

Soil for cannabis: where is the best place to buy?

Suitable soil for cannabis is available in the assortment of almost any gardening store, supermarket. But special grover stores are better suited for such purchases, as their assortment includes a number of other products necessary for cultivation. Fertilizers, tools, lighting, ventilation, growboxes, etc. Of course, these categories of products can be found in other stores, but when the necessary products are collected in one store, it is much easier and more convenient to properly store for groves.

The consultant's knowledge of marijuana growing will also be a positive factor. An ordinary garden store cannot boast such an advantage: you will have to make up “excuses” if you need advice, or deal with it solely on your own.

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How to choose a soil for effective marijuana cultivation?

When choosing a soil, you should pay attention to the following features:

  1. Structure. The most optimal choice will be a loose, “airy” soil, easily passing moisture, oxygen, fertilizers. Water retention by such soil is minimal, which practically annuls the risks of rot development. Loose soil reduces temperature fluctuations, which are stressful for plants.
  2. Acidity (pH). Cannabis requires a neutral, slightly acidic pH level, approximately 6.5-7. Lowering or increasing this parameter can impair the assimilation of various important micro- and macronutrients, which will prevent the plant from developing.
  3. Soil chemical composition. The importance of the soil for plants is the presence of a nutrient-rich environment. The composition should include copper, sodium, zinc, nickel, iron and other useful micro- and macroelements.
  4. Electrical conductivity. The parameter is measured by TDS- and ES-meters and means the concentration of mineral salts. The normal indicator is from 0.75 to 2.

How to prepare the soil for cannabis independently?

Some experienced growers mix the soil themselves, using their own or purchased soil. They combine the “basic” soil with additional ingredients: vermiculite, perlite, compost, expanded clay, all sorts of fertilizers. Then regulate the acidity, add fertilizers (purchased or their own), subsequently growing cannabis on “custom” land.

There are many such recipes: it's hard to choose the most effective ones. Each grower chooses his favorite formulations independently, based on his own experience or feedback from other growers.

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