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Cannabis seeds News How to care for cannabis in indoor and outdoors?

How to care for cannabis in indoor and outdoors?

How to care for cannabis in indoor and outdoors?

To get a quality large crop, growers need to know how to care for cannabis. To understand what you need to do when growing cannabis, let's look at each aspect of care the plant requires separately. Cannabis is a powerful, resilient plant that can withstand adversity. But in order to grow killer resinous inflorescences, it's not enough for the plant to survive, it needs a number of conditions.

The most important parameters are fertilizer, soil, illumination, watering and, optionally, ventilation. The need for ventilation is explained by whether to grow indoor or outdoors. Outdoors has "built-in" natural ventilation, in a growbox a special system is needed. Otherwise, growing cannabis indoors can end up in stagnation and mold: the grow will go to waste.

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Fertilizers, mineral and organic

Vegetation, pre-flowering, flowering: every stage of cannabis development is incredibly important. At each stage, mistakes can be made that will cost the grower a significant portion of the harvest. Quality fertilization is essential to ensure growth and development.

There are three types of "fertilizer":

  • Organic. The most natural eco-friendliest variant of fertilizers, used since ancient times. Various composts, humus, and guano fall into this category. The main advantage of organics - it is harder to saturate the soil with it than with mineral fertilizers. Inflorescences grown on organics, have a pleasant flavor and aromatic palette. Minuses - the laboriousness of creating such a fertilizer. Often it has to be made independently.
  • Mineral. Mineral underfeed - a product of progress, a substance specially created for the cultivation of various plants. There are variants of such feed for all kinds of plants, which have clear, calibrated parameters. This is both a dignity and the main danger: violation of the dosage of mineral fertilizers can kill bushes. Follow the instructions written by the manufacturer to avoid "overfeeding".
  • Organo-mineral. A mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers, often made by the grower himself. This combines the pros and cons of both previous options for cannabis fertilization.

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Marijuana cultivation soil

A fertile layer of good quality soil is the most important aspect of growing any crop. Cannabis is no exception, it needs good soil. If the grower is aiming for a good, large harvest, soil from the forest floor or a nearby vegetable garden will not do. Quality purchased soil with the following parameters is needed:

  • Structure. Cannabis requires loose, air-rich soil that cancels out the risk of root rot.
  • Conductivity, chemical composition of the soil. The parameter is measured by ES- and TDS-meters, and means saturation with mineral salts. "Over-salted" soil is not suitable. The soil should also contain micro and macronutrients: sodium, zinc, copper, iron and others.
  • pH (acidity) - also the most important parameter that must be taken into account to understand how to care for cannabis. Excessively high or low acidity will not allow the plant to assimilate all nutrients, and pH is also very important when germinating seeds.

Lighting of cannabis plants

Illumination is the most important factor directly affecting the amount of yield. Like ventilation, it is an "indor" parameter. If you are interested in cannabis in the open ground, lighting will not be able to purchase: the only option will be to find a well-located sunny site.

Previously, the undisputed "champion" among lighting devices were DNATs. Now LED LED panels have become so high quality that they compete with sodium lamps. The obvious pluses of LEDs is simplicity and ease of use: they do not require a special electronic balast to start, and do not overheat.

The following factors should be considered when choosing an illumination system:

  • Color Temperature. Vegetation and flowering require different light spectrums to maximize cultivation efficiency.
  • Lighting power. Selected depending on the size of the room or growbox. A small LED panel or 100 watt DNaT is enough for a couple of plants in a growbox from a system box, a large growroom will require appropriate lighting: powerful and expensive.

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Watering and ventilation of marijuana plants

To understand how to properly care for cannabis, you need to understand humidity. That's why watering and ventilation are combined into one item: both aspects of grovah affect humidity and the presence of rot and mold. What care does marijuana need in terms of humidity, what parameters are important to consider?

  • Overwatering and underwatering. Underwatering is a serious problem, without enough liquid the plant will not be able to fully develop. But overflow is even more trouble, provoking rotting of the root system and death of the bush.
  • Ventilation. Cannabis in the indoor requires a good ventilation system to avoid mold. When growing outdoors, it is worth choosing an area with optimal humidity levels.
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