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Green Crack

Brand: Extreme Seeds
Green Crack
CBD: 0.1%
THC: 18%
Type: 60% Sativa/40% Indica
Flowering: 60-65 days
Yield: up to 600 g/m²
Genetics: 1989 SSSC Skunk #1 x Isolated Afghani Cut
Harvest: early october
Plant height: up to 300 cm
Seeds per pack:

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Семян в упаковке:

Green Crack is a high quality cannabis variety that attracts the attention of both beginners and experienced growers due to its outstanding characteristics and unique properties. The strain contains 18% THC, which gives it a pronounced psychoactive effect. The CBD content is only 0.1%, making it ideal for those looking for the powerful effects of THC without the significant impact of CBD.

Green Crack is a sativa-dominant hybrid - 60% sativa and 40% indica. This combination provides an invigorating and energizing effect, making the strain popular for daytime use. The flowering time is 60-65 days, allowing growers to produce quality crops in a relatively short period of time. With proper care, yields of up to 600 g/m² can be expected, making the variety very productive.

Green Crack comes from a cross between 1989 SSSC Skunk #1 and an isolated Afghan line, which ensures its unique qualities and stability. Harvest time is in early October, making it suitable for fall harvest. The plant can reach up to 300 cm in height, which should be considered when planning growing space.

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