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Cannabis seeds News Celebrate with Extreme Seeds 420!

Celebrate with Extreme Seeds 420!

Celebrate with Extreme Seeds 420!

Since Extreme Seeds was founded, we have been committed to offering our customers the best cannabis seeds, and this time we are happy to announce a special holiday promotion in honor of 420 Day, an international celebration of cannabis culture.

Starting April 20, 2024 and until May 4, 2024, our company is offering a unique 20% discount on our entire range of cannabis seeds. This is a great way to purchase cannabis seeds with the best genetics in our catalog.

But that's not all! We are also happy to offer our customers special bonuses on their orders:

When you order 3 seeds, you get an additional 1 seed as a gift.

If you order 5 seeds, you get an additional 2 seeds as a gift.

If you order 10 seeds, you get an additional 3 seeds as a gift.

These bonuses will help you diversify your seed collection and get new varieties at no extra cost. Don't miss the chance to upgrade your cannabis seed collection and get extra bonuses from Extreme Seeds.

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