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Cannabis seeds News The effects of cannabis on rest and sleep

The effects of cannabis on rest and sleep

The effects of cannabis on rest and sleep

Many plants can help with problems such as insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, and other sleep disorders, but the effects of cannabis on sleep are truly immense. The medicinal properties of this almost magical shrub are amazing, although its potential is not yet fully known. Insomnia is one of the problems that marijuana, when used properly, can solve.

It's worth saying right away that this article is specifically about recreational or medical cannabis with a high cannabinoid content. Technical varieties, created to produce cannabis seeds for vegetable oil production or raw material for hemp fabric, are a separate conversation. Despite their enormous benefits, they are hardly ever used medicinally.

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Effects of THC on sleep

The effects of tetrahydrocannabinol on disorders such as insomnia are determined by several key parameters:

  • The balance of THC and CBD in the composition of the resin. Varieties with high cannabidiol (CBD) content are always more preferable as a sleeping pill.
  • Indica-dominant genetics. What to do if you can't sleep? Anyone marginally familiar with cannabis will confidently answer that indica will help here. Indica strains are sedative and soporific in their own right. Sativa, on the other hand, can often even aggravate sleep disorders.
  • Dosage. If cannabis use is excessive, the positive effects on sleep will be less noticeable, memory will be temporarily impaired, and insomnia will increase significantly if you stop smoking for the first time.
  • Marijuana use for sleep synergizes remarkably well with a good sleep schedule, moderate exercise and other good habits.

Deep sleep and cannabis

If the above factors are taken into consideration, cannabis use can normalize circadian rhythms and eliminate insomnia. In this way, rest will be maximized and effective.

But using marijuana too often can have the opposite effect. In 2019, Swansea University in Wales conducted a study. It showed: using cannabis before bed shortens the REM phase of sleep, while increasing the slow-wave phase. If this happens irregularly, there are no consequences, the person will still feel well-rested.

If the sleep phases are regularly disturbed, the person will feel well rested, but the brain will not be fully rested, which will lead to a weakening of short-term memory and logical thinking.

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What is the effect of cannabis on sleep?

If used occasionally in cases of insomnia, cannabis is a great remedy. Frequent and regular use carries its own consequences. But the good news is that all these effects are not irreversible, and when a person takes a break from cannabis use, in just a few months cognitive functions are fully back to normal.

CBD oils are also not to be forgotten. Extracted CBD is a great remedy that has all the benefits of marijuana, but is devoid of any negative effects. If cannabis is primarily a sleeping pill for you, CBD concentrates will be the best solution.

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