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Buddha Seeds – this is a Seed bank from Spain. This bank was the first, who acquainted the world with autoflowering sorts. In 2014 this bank got the cup of Spannabis and many prestige rewards, because he gave a lot of attention for quality.  Buddha Seeds perfected regular and feminized sorts of autoflowering versions. Exactly due to it he earned excellent reputation of its own production. 

Bulk Seed Bank is an English seed bank of tested seeds on moderate prices! He is specialized only on the wholesale selling all over the world. Thousand of growers trust to this bank. All seeds pass a careful selection that’s why the production of Bulk seed bank is assured genetically tested. Sorts that was taken away in collection contain most of THC and CBD, they can be used in medical and recreational aims. They help to relax, increase working efficiency and help to be overloaded. Now you can order seeds of Bulk Seed Bank in Ukraine!

Dear friends! Errors Seeds company constantly cares about its customers, offering only the best products at the best prices! As you know, the assortment of our online store has hemp seeds not only of its own production, but also of the world's largest Seed bank, which experienced growers around the world constantly use. We present to your attention the Ukrainian seed bank, registered in the Czech Republic - Carpathians seeds. Try Carpathian hemp seeds grown in environmentally friendly natural conditions. After all, the Carpathians is a unique ecosystem that has preserved the pristine purity to this day!

Dear friends! The Errors Seeds online store has a huge selection of high-quality cannabis seeds, both our production and imported. Dinafem is the Seed bank, which sells the best cannabis seeds Sativa and Indica! 

Friends! The company Errors Seeds always tries to make happy customers and constantly expand the range of products! We present you the Dutch Passion Seed bank, one of the oldest cannabis in the world.