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Cannabis seeds Autoflowering Bubble Kush Autoflowering

Bubble Kush Autoflowering

Brand: Extreme Seeds
Bubble Kush Autoflowering
THC: 16%
Type: 60% Indica/30% Ruderalis/10% Sativa
Flowering: 35–50 days
Yield: 350 to 400 g/m²
Genetics: Bubble Gum x O.G. Kush x Critical Automatic
Plant height: 80–100 cm
Seeds per pack:

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Семян в упаковке:

Bubble Kush Autoflowering is a unique feminized strain that offers real magic in the world of cannabis. With characteristics that make it unique, this strain promises harmony and relaxation.

Bubble Kush Autoflowering's blend of genetics includes Bubble Gum, O.G. Kush, and Critical Automatic, creating a unique blend of 60% Indica, 30% Ruderalis, and 10% Sativa. This balance provides a unique effect, bringing harmony and tranquility.

The THC content of this strain reaches 16%, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a moderate, yet clearly noticeable effect. This strain provides a relaxing experience, enveloping you in a soft warmth and peacefulness.

Bubble Kush Autoflowering is also a variety that is prized for its quickness and ease of growing. The flowering time is only 35-50 days and the plant stays between 80-100 cm tall. This makes it an ideal choice for both experienced growers and those just starting out in the world of cannabis. The yield of Bubble Kush Autoflowering is impressive, ranging from 350 to 400 g/m².

მამუკა (27/08/2024)
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