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Cannabis seeds News What is the difference between CBD and oil made from hemp?

What is the difference between CBD and oil made from hemp?

What is the difference between CBD and oil made from hemp?

To understand the difference between CBD and hemp oil, let's understand what CBD is and what specific type of oil is meant. Aside from the differences, there are many similarities. CBD oil high in amazing substance has been sold for quite some time in countries that have legalized medical marijuana.

CBD and other cannabinoids

The cannabis plant contains unique organic compounds - cannabinoids. These substances provide the psychoactive effects that the leaves and inflorescences of the bush provide. They act directly on the human endocannabinoid system.

Not all cannabinoids are psychoactive, like the familiar to anyone who quotes canna-themed cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or the lesser-known derivative, cannabinol (CBN). Cannabidiol (CBD) completely lacks psychotropic effects. Therefore, CBD oil and other CBD concentrates are not drugs and are legal in many states where THC is banned.

Despite the lack of psychoactive effects, cannabidiol is able to influence the effects of THC and other psychoactive compounds. If a marijuana strain contains CBD, the effects will become mild, calming. But that's a separate topic, relating to the discussion of CBD oil rather indirectly.

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Varieties of hemp oil

Under the deceptively simple word combination hides several meanings. The most obvious one is hemp seed oil. Cannabis seed is a unique creation of nature, the concentration of useful substances in which is simply off the scale. It contains fatty acids, all sorts of vitamins, trace elements, and CBD. But in vegetable oils of hemp, made by pressing the seeds, a low percentage of CBD, so let's discuss other values.

Hemp oil from a culinary perspective

This word combination also refers to something that every Rastaman adores - butter, specially cooked together with leaves or inflorescences of cannabis. The final product has a powerful psychotropic effect and is used in canna-culinary industry to produce “fun” cookies, cupcakes and other goodies.

There is a little confusion: the differences between the above varieties of oils are more clear and noticeable in English. The above product in English is called canna-butter, hemp seed oil - hemp seed oil. Different words are used for vegetable oils and hemp seed butter. Canna-butter is also a separate topic.

Cannabis concentrates

The third meaning of the word combination “hemp oil”, which interests us, refers to special extracts of cannabis with a high percentage of cannabinoids. Such products can have concentrations of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids that cannot be achieved by the inflorescence.

Products created by extracting the right substances from the plant are divided into several types. There are concentrates that contain THC and other psychoactive compounds. Some contain both THC and CBD at the same time. The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol can reach huge values: 50% or higher. Such products are subject to legal restrictions, just like ordinary inflorescences of varietal cannabis. In many States, concentrates that include THC can bring serious legal problems.

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Medical properties of CBD oil

Oil that contains only CBD and no THC or other psychoactive components is legal in most countries. Cannabidiol is a substance that has tremendous medical potential. The compound is of interest to scientists and medical professionals, with new therapeutic possibilities being discovered every year.

CBD oil from hemp is used in:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • endogenous and exogenous depression;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • a number of other conditions and pathologies.

Difference between CBD oil and other cannabis concentrates

The product acts as an adjunctive therapy, sometimes providing full treatment. Cannabidiol significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures. To achieve a remotely similar result, patients used to be stuffed with drugs with serious side effects. Now epileptics only need high quality hemp oil.

The unique cannabinoid is a powerful painkiller, perfectly manages nausea, helps relieve inflammation, and promotes fracture healing.

To summarize: the difference between CBD and cannabis oil is that not all of the above oils contain only CBD and are legal. Specialty concentrates with cannabidiol and without THC are completely legal and are great health benefits.

CBD oil and hemp leaves

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